WebMark Designz
WebMark DesignZ is an independently owned and operated full web design and marketing service. I provide interactive media services to small business owners with a focus on eCommerce websites and marketing. I help you create Effective Strategies for Sales Growth, Client Empowerment through Education and Creative Solutions using Unique Processes.

Jimi Bush, M.S.
Interactive Multimedia Consultant

Effective Strategies
for Sales Growth
Jimi Bush, M.S. has been a web design and marketing professional since 2008. With 20+ years prior experience in business management and human resource training and development, he has an established track record of success in scaling businesses growth and managing people, products and processes. Jimi is a strong leader with a friendly disposition.

Client Empowerment
Through Education
Client Empowerment through education is a cornerstone of my ideology and process at WebMark DesignZ. I help my clients develop systems and educate them how to navigate the Content Management System and social media platforms their web presence is powered on. I help business owners achieve long term success and independence for maximized profitability.
Bottom line, sales growth is what having an eCommerce business is all about. Product sitting on the shelf comes with costly storage fees, and keeps you from having your capital available to cover operating expenses. With effective strategies for sales growth, you have more revenue, more profits and more long term stability for your business.

Creative Solutions
Unique Processes
Using unique process and systems I help you develop short and long term strategies for growth. My creative processes provide effective marketing content for print, web and video. If you are struggling to sell or be found on the Internet, let me help you isolate your problems and develop creative and strategic solutions.